Home > Som Energia > En Som Energia nos sumamos a la huelga mundial por el clima

En Som Energia nos sumamos a la huelga mundial por el clima

[També en: català]

La semana del 20 al 27 de septiembre hay convocadas movilizaciones en todo el planeta para denunciar la emergencia climática mundial. Desde Som Energia somos conscientes de la grave situación en que nos encontramos y de la necesidad de que todo el mundo actúe y que se tomen las medidas concretas necesarias para reducir rápidamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

Por ello, hemos firmado el Manifiesto 27 de septiembre huelga mundial por el clima, y formamos parte de las 300 organizaciones en defensa del futuro, un planeta vivo y un mundo más justo que, de momento, nos hemos unido a la convocatoria. Además, para el día en que hay convocada la huelga, y según lo ha decidido el Consejo Rector, la cooperativa cerrará las oficinas y, por tanto, no se ofrecerá atención telefónica ni por correo electrónico.

Animamos a todas las personas a movilizarse por la emergencia climática, sumándose a la huelga del día 27, o bien participando de alguna de las convocatorias que hay en todo el territorio o impulsando otras (por ejemplo, a través de los Grupos Locales de la cooperativa).

Som Energia forma parte de la Plataforma por un Nuevo Modelo Energético, que está presente 2020 Rebelión por el Clima, Alianza por el Clima y Alianza por la Emergencia Climática. Estas son, junto con Fridays for Future, las organizaciones que han impulsado la convocatoria.

A continuación podéis ver el mapa con las movilizaciones previstas en todo el Estado:

One comment

  1. Congratulations on your initiative to join the climate strike on September 27/19.

    I too am very concerned about the state of the world and our response to the crises that confront us.

    In our very recent past, we have been on a journey that has moved us from seeing the world as a series of separate parts. This way of seeing the world has been underlined by our adherence to concepts such as nation states and the polarization caused by religious beliefs. With the work of James Lovelock and the Gaia principle in the 1980’s which maintains that “living organisms and their inorganic surroundings have evolved together as a single living system that greatly affects the chemistry and conditions of Earth’s surface. Some scientists believe that this ‘Gaian system’ self-regulates global temperature, atmospheric content, ocean salinity, and other factors in an “automatic” manner. Earth’s living system appears to keep conditions on our planet just right for life to persist! The Gaia Theory has already inspired ideas and practical applications for economic systems, policy, scientific inquiry, and other valuable work. The first pictures of our planet from outer space helped to consolidate the view that we are all part of one living organism.

    Yet, despite this change in our consciousness about how we have come to see and understand the world, our attempts to change the course that we are on still rest firmly in the old, fragmented ways. Have you ever seen a social change proposal that encompassed this new world view? One that could demonstrate a vision that could lead to a path to extricate ourselves from this quandary that we find ourselves in?

    We currently have a terminal illness and the only measures we are taking are to make us more comfortable as our ailment progresses. Is this the best we can do? Of course, it isn’t.

    The world needs a vision of change that speaks to the hearts and minds of all and clearly illustrates how we can address these issues of climate justice and social justice.

    It is breathtaking that one has yet to emerge.

    Best wishes,

    michael breton


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